Debt Relief Articles

5 Affordable Summer Staycation Ideas When You’re on a Budget Updated Jul 27, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
5 Affordable Summer Staycation Ideas When You’re on a Budget Just because inflation may have dashed your dreams of adventurous summer vacations, doesn’t mean you can’t create your own adventure... Read More
5 Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund This Year Updated Apr 21, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
5 Smart Ways to Use Your Tax Refund This Year How you should spend your tax refund largely depends on your unique circumstances. Still, there are a handful of uses... Read More
Tax Prep Checklist: Everything You Need to File Your Taxes Updated Mar 28, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
Tax Prep Checklist: Everything You Need to File Your Taxes Paying taxes may be an expected annual obligation, but tax season always finds a way to sneak up on us.... Read More
Top 6 Money-Saving Apps in 2022 Updated Mar 24, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
Top 6 Money-Saving Apps in 2022 Unfortunately, savings plans often fall by the wayside as real life (inflation, rising cost of living) intervenes, making us lose... Read More
5 reasons why you need to file your taxes early Updated Feb 23, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
5 reasons why you need to file your taxes early Ideally, to keep your personal finances in order and to maintain order, it’s best to file your taxes early. Not... Read More
How to Adjust Your Spending in a Financial Crisis Updated Feb 18, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
How to Adjust Your Spending in a Financial Crisis During a financial crisis, you may not have any extra income at the end of the month for savings. Therefore,... Read More
3 Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas for Your Family in 2022, Despite Facing Debt Updated Feb 14, 2022 By Aaron Sarentino
3 Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas for Your Family in 2022, Despite Facing Debt This year’s Valentine’s Day is approaching, so this might just be the perfect time for you to figure out what... Read More
3 Steps to Setting Financial Goals Updated Jan 26, 2022 By Melissa Cook
3 Steps to Setting Financial Goals Learn about setting financial goals for a better financial future. We all have problems setting long-term goals, especially when it... Read More
Budgeting 101 Updated Apr 09, 2020 By Minh Tong
Budgeting 101 The key to a budget is tracking expenses and categorizing them as needs (i.e. insurance, housing, transportation, electricity, food, medicine,... Read More
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