Glossary Terms

What is a PPP loan?

What is a PPP loan?
Reviewed by Minh Tong
Updated November 6, 2022

A PPP loan, also known as a Paycheck Protection Program loan, is a type of loan offered through the Small Business Administration (SBA) designed to help small businesses with payroll and certain other expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic. These loans can be forgiven if the funds are used for specific expenses such as employee salaries and rent.  It is important for business owners to carefully review the terms and conditions of these loans and consult with their financial advisor before accepting one.

Types of PPP loans

There are a number of different types of PPP loans depending on a business’s situation, previous loans received, and income levels.

First Draw PPP Loans:  These loans are for businesses who have not previously received a PPP loan.

Second Draw PPP Loans: These are for businesses who have already received and fully or partially exhausted a previous PPP loan.
Targeted EIDL Advance Grants: These grants, offered through the Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, are targeted towards certain small business

Benefits of PPP Loans

One of the major benefits of PPP loans is the potential for loan forgiveness.  If a business uses the funds for eligible expenses such as payroll, rent, and utilities, they may be able to have a portion or even all of the loan forgiven.  This can provide much needed relief for small businesses during difficult times.

Additionally, interest rates on PPP loans are low and there is no collateral or personal guarantees required.  This can make it easier for businesses to repay the loan if it is not fully forgiven.

It’s important to note that PPP loans should only be used for necessary expenses to keep the business running during COVID-19 related challenges. Misusing funds can result in consequences such as having to repay the loan or potential legal action.

Overall, PPP loans can be a valuable resource for small businesses facing financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is important to carefully review the terms and conditions before accepting one.  Consulting with a financial advisor can also help ensure that the loan best meets the needs of your business.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect small businesses, it is important for business owners to stay informed about all available resources, including PPP loans (what is a PPP loan?) and other forms of financial assistance. Consulting with a financial advisor or credit counselor can help.

Continue reading with our article on what is an FHA loan.