Glossary Terms

Promissory Note

Promissory Note
Reviewed by Melissa Cook
Updated January 5, 2023

A promissory note is a written promise to pay a specific amount of money at a specified date. Promissory notes are typically issued by borrowers and used as evidence of debt owed, or by lenders as security for repayment. They provide the holder with legal claims on the borrower for nonpayment, which can be enforced in court. Additionally, they are often used as collateral for loans to further secure repayment should the noteholder default on his or her payments.

While promissory notes have been around since ancient times, modern promissory notes have some important differences from their historical counterparts that make them especially useful tools in today’s financial markets. For example, while historically they were mainly used among private individuals, now governments and businesses use them to borrow money as well. Additionally, they are now often available in the form of electronic promissory notes, which can be securely and easily transferred without the need for a physical piece of paper. Finally, modern promissory notes typically have much stricter terms and conditions than their historical counterparts.

Overall, while promissory notes may seem like a relatively simple financial instrument on the surface, they play an important role in countless financial transactions today, and are likely to continue to do so in the future. For this reason alone it is essential that all individuals who engage in these types of transactions understand what a promissory note is and how to use one properly. With this knowledge under your belt, you’ll be able to make informed decisions when it comes to managing your finances and taking advantage of the financial opportunities that promissory notes have to offer.​ For more information on how to manage your finances, talk to an Americor professional today.