How Clear Financial Language Establishes Trust And Minimizes Anxiety

How financial concepts are presented can have a big impact on how people feel about their finances.
In August, Credit Karma worked with Qualtrics to survey over 1,000 people about their reactions to two descriptions of adjustable rate rules, one technical and one conversational.
Their responses were highly correlated with their attitudes toward money and their credit score.
*** SPECIAL NOTE *** – If your credit cards, personal loans, or medical debts have become unmanageable and you owe over $20,000… then go here for debt relief. We can help!
The Benefits Of Using Clear Conversational Financial Language
In short, the closer the fine print was to language they would use to talk to their friends, the more likely they were to find it not just helpful, but trustworthy. This was particularly true for those with lower credit scores who were more negative about financial disclosures overall.
These findings mirror a Federal Reserve Board study in 2011 that concluded, “When reading disclosure documents, consumers are best served by terms that are straightforward. Small wording changes can significantly improve consumer understanding.”
Credit Karma Head of Consumer Insights Greg Lull is passionate about making managing money as stress-free as possible for everyone. “When we communicate in everyday language, we help people take control of their financial future. That is powerful.”
Technical language example
Your variable rates may change when the Prime Rate changes.
After the initial introductory 0% interest rate period, the variable rate is calculated by adding a percentage to the Prime Rate published in The Wall Street Journal on the 25th day of each month.
Variable rates on the following segment(s) will be updated quarterly: Non-Introductory Purchase APR: Prime plus 9.74%, 14.74% or 19.74%; Non-Introductory Transfer APR: Prime plus 9.74%, 14.74% or 19.74%; Cash Advance APR: Prime plus 19.74%.
Conversational language example
You’ll have an introductory interest rate of 0% for the first 12 months.
After that, though, you’ll have a variable interest rate – meaning your rate will change based on the Wall Street Journal’s “prime” rate (here’s more about the prime rate).
We’ll calculate your interest rate for purchases and balance transfers based on your credit. We’ll let you know the percent (prime plus 9.74%, 14.74% or 19.74%) after you’re approved.
Closing Thoughts On The Language We Use
Overwhelmingly, the conversational language was seen as more positive.
In addition to being seen as easier to understand, helpful and less anxiety-inducing, it was also seen as more trustworthy than the technical language.
At Americor, we understand the unique financial challenges people are facing today.
As America’s trusted source for debt relief solutions, we aim to empower you with financial knowledge that can lead to informed decisions, whether it’s about savings, investments, or managing debt.
If your debt has become unmanageable and you have difficulty making your debt payments each month, then you should consider a FREE consultation call with one of our certified Debt Consultants, who can provide personalized debt relief advice tailored to your specific needs.
By taking proactive steps today, you can put an end to your financial stress and work towards a brighter financial future.
Remember, there is always hope for debt relief, and our team of experienced professionals are ready to guide you on your journey to regaining control of your finances.
For more information on Americor’s debt relief services, contact us today to see how we can help you eliminate your debts, and get on the fast-track to becoming completely debt-free!