Glossary Terms

Prepayment Penalty

Prepayment Penalty
Reviewed by Minh Tong
Updated February 14, 2023

A prepayment penalty is a fee imposed on a borrower who pays off their loan earlier than the agreed upon maturity date. 

This type of penalty is typically found in fixed-rate loans, such as mortgages, and is designed to compensate the lender for the potential loss of income from interest payments that would have been received if the loan had been held until maturity.

The amount of the prepayment penalty is often a percentage of the outstanding loan balance, and can range from a few percentage points to a substantial sum. The fee is usually calculated based on the amount of time left on the loan, with larger penalties for earlier prepayments. The exact amount of the fee will depend on the terms of the loan agreement and the lender’s policy.

The purpose of a prepayment penalty is to deter borrowers from prepaying their loans, as this can negatively impact the lender’s ability to generate revenue from interest payments. This can be especially problematic in an environment where interest rates are low, as lenders may have a difficult time replacing the lost income with new loans at a similar rate.

However, there are also some potential benefits to borrowers from prepaying their loans. 

For example, by paying off the loan early, the borrower can save on interest payments over the life of the loan, potentially reducing the total cost of borrowing. Additionally, prepaying the loan can help improve the borrower’s credit score by reducing their debt-to-income ratio.

When considering a loan with a prepayment penalty, it is important to weigh the potential benefits and drawbacks carefully. Borrowers should carefully read and understand the terms of the loan agreement, including the size and timing of the prepayment penalty, before making a decision.

In some cases, a lender may be willing to negotiate the terms of the prepayment penalty, or even remove it entirely. This may be especially true for borrowers with a strong credit history or a significant amount of equity in their property.