Debt Relief Tactics

Managing Debt

Managing Debt
Reviewed by Minh Tong
Updated February 25, 2018

Managing your debt is something most of us do not even want to think about. It takes time, hard work, knowledge and dedication to get out of debt. However acting as if it doesn’t exist isn’t going to make it disappear. If you haven’t taken a look at your credit report lately, we strongly recommend taking a look at it. Everyone deserves financial freedom.

Managing debt is simplified when you use a credit monitoring tool that assists you with fraud protection, accuracy, disputes and a full detailed report of your credit. Getting out of debt will improve your credit score, and save you money.

Know How Much Financial Obligation You Can Take On

A key to managing debt is knowing how much new financial obligation you can take on at any one time. Set aside regular time to review your monthly banking and financial statements to get an overall picture of things.

How Much Debt Do You Already Have?

In order to know how much debt you can take on for a new car, home or educational purposes, you have to know how much debt you already own. Do you have an idea of the total amount of outgoing payments for life’s necessities? If you don’t, get started now figuring out your total payments on everything from utilities, to cable, insurance, loans and living expenses.

Break Your Variable Debt Payments Into Regular Installments

Managing your debt is easier when you break your payments down into regular installments. For example, if your utility bill, transportation and eating expenses vary each month, take a look at the average cost of these for the last 12 months. Then pull some money out of each paycheck to cover the total. That way you won’t get caught off guard and you can get a rough estimate of how much money you’ll spend, even if the total varies each month.

Begin To Save A Little More

Paying down existing debt goes hand in hand with managing it. Look for ways to get creative about current spending. If you need a new computer for school, perhaps one that is 2-3 years old will work just as well as a brand new one. Take the extra money and put it in your savings account.

Managing debt gets easier with practice. Invite your family along and make it a game. Have a contest to see who can save the most and at the end of the year reward the winner with a percentage of the total savings to splurge.